Support for Luppet will end on March 31, 2024. We recommend that you migrate to LuppetX, the upgrade version.

Click here to Download or Purchase LuppetX

This is the documentation for Luppet (Ver2.0.5).

Click here for the LuppetX documentation

Software Setup

Uninstall the old LeapMotion software (for those who have moved from Luppet 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 or later).

Starting with Luppet Ver2.0.5, you need to install the latest LeapMotion software (Gemini) in order to achieve high performance tracking.

Unfortunately, Gemini is not compatible with previous LeapMotion software, so hand tracking will not be possible with Luppet Ver2.0.4 or earlier after installing Gemini.

(If you have never installed any LeapMotion software before, you can safely ignore this chapter).

  1. Open the Control Panel and select [Uninstall a program].
    If you don’t know how to open it, click here.

  2. Then, right-click on “Leap Motion Software” in the list of applications and uninstall it.

  1. Once that’s done, it’s time to install the new LeapMotion software (Gemini).

Download LeapMotion software (Gemini)

  1. Open the LeapMotion Tracking Software Download page
  2. Click on the [DOWNLOAD GEMINI] link in the image below to download the software.
    (You may need to register as a member of UltraLeap to download the software.)

Install the LeapMotion software (Gemini).

  1. Run the downloaded Ultraleap_Tracking_Installer_5.x.x_win64.exe and install it.

  1. After the installation is complete, reboot your PC and unplug and re-plug the LeapMotion USB cable.

That’s it, you’re ready to use the new LeapMotion software (Gemini)! Thank you.

How to check the newly installed LeapMotion software (Gemini)

In the bottom right corner of Windows, you should see the UltraLeap icon in the application icon display area (the one that appears when you press the up arrow).
Double-click that icon.

You should now see the Ultraleap Tracking Control Panel as shown in the following image.

This will allow you to verify that your LeapMotion is working properly.